This interface defines the events that are available for analytics, each method explains, when it is called and what properties are available.

interface IAnalyticEvents {
    AddBundleToCart(properties: CartProperties): Promise<void>;
    AddProductToCart(properties: ProductProperties): Promise<void>;
    AddProductToVdr(properties: ProductProperties): Promise<void>;
    ChangeAvatarInVdr(properties: StateProperties): Promise<void>;
    ChangeSceneInVdr(properties: StateProperties): Promise<void>;
    CloseComponent(properties: CloseComponentProperties): Promise<void>;
    CloseStylingView(properties: CloseStylingViewProperties): Promise<void>;
    LinkShared(properties: StateProperties): Promise<void>;
    OpenComponent(properties: OpenComponentProperties): Promise<void>;
    OpenStylingView(properties: OpenStylingViewProperties): Promise<void>;
    OutfitShown(properties: OutfitShownProperties): Promise<void>;
    ProductImpression(properties: ProductProperties): Promise<void>;
    ProductShared(properties: ProductProperties): Promise<void>;


  • This event signifies that the shopper pressed the bundle sale button got pressed (only visible when bundle selling is activated).


    • properties: CartProperties

      The properties that are available for this event

    Returns Promise<void>

  • This event signifies that a shopper wants to add a specific product to the shopping cart. If bundle sale got pressed this event gets triggered for each product in the virtual dressing room (tried-on garments and accessories in the slots).


    Returns Promise<void>

  • This event signifies that a product has been added to the virtual dressing room. Either as a garment on the avatar or in one of the accessory slots. This can be triggered by clicking on “style it” in the outfits screen or from the product menus.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • This event signifies that an avatar has been selected to be shown in the virtual dressing room.


    • properties: StateProperties

      The properties that are available for this event

    Returns Promise<void>

  • This event signifies that a scene has been selected to be shown in the virtual dressing room.


    • properties: StateProperties

      The properties that are available for this event

    Returns Promise<void>

  • This event signifies that the styling view was opened.

    A shopper pressed the “style it” button below an outfit or the styling view was the destination of are shared link.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • This event signifies that product has been presented to the shopper. Either as product image, name and price or in an outfit.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • This event signifies that a product has been shared as a part of a shared outfit. For each product shown in the virtual dressing room (tried-on garments and accessories in the slots) this event will be triggered at the moment when the share button got pressed.


    Returns Promise<void>