Interface for connecting the Modal Dressing Room Component (MDRC) with the host website. THe adaptor is responsible for providing information about the content in the dressing room. This covers garments, avatars and scenes. Furthermore, it provides (optional) functionality for further functionality like add to cart, looking sharing or custom avatars.

interface HostAdaptor {
    analytics?: AnalyticsConfig;
    animations?: AnimationProvider;
    avatars: ByMode<AvatarProvider>;
    callbacks?: HostCallbacks;
    commerce?: CommerceProvider;
    customAvatars?: ByMode<MutableAvatarProvider>;
    dressingRoom: {
        mode: RenderMode;
        options?: DressingRoomOptions;
    garments: ByMode<GarmentProvider>;
    inventory?: InventoryProvider;
    logger?: LoggingProvider;
    performanceMetrics?: PerformanceMetricsProvider;
    scenes: ByMode<SceneProvider>;
    sharing?: ISharingProvider;
    translator?: Translator;


analytics?: AnalyticsConfig
animations?: AnimationProvider

Mandatory provider to populate the dressing room with avatars.

callbacks?: HostCallbacks
commerce?: CommerceProvider
customAvatars?: ByMode<MutableAvatarProvider>
dressingRoom: {
    mode: RenderMode;
    options?: DressingRoomOptions;

Mandatory provider to populate the dressing room with garments.

inventory?: InventoryProvider
performanceMetrics?: PerformanceMetricsProvider

Mandatory provider to populate the dressing room with scenes.

translator?: Translator